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The Smell lab teams up with Skolla to teach a course on smells and scent to kids between 10 and 15 years old with and without migration backgrounds.

What makes a home? An Indian Sufi master once said, "A house is being built, but a home is being formed." Elvis Presley once sang "Home is where the heart is".


What is the shape of a home and where does the heart carry us? The researchers from the Ruhr University Bochum have found out that the human heart has a "nose". Heart cells can sense odors from fragrance receptors and respond to them.


Together with 24 students from the Heinrich von Stephan High School, Sabina Abdulajeva, Olesya Chayka and Maryna Markova and Klara Ravat follow the noses in their hearts to find out what and where their home is. 


We will explore the art and science of smell and learn how to extract fragrance oils. With different fragrances, we do not just want to arouse emotions that we associate with home, we love to create a setting were communication and stories flow.







© 2018 by Klara Ravat

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